


 Tel: (05)2720411 ext. Office 66513 Lab 53204

 Fax: (05)2722871

 Email: biocl@ccu.edu.tw

  • Ph.D., 2000, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Rutgers University, U.S.A.
  • B.A., 1990, Biology, National Chen Kung University, Taiwan
  • 訊息核醣核酸剪接
  • 核醣核酸生物學
  • 胞內蛋白質運輸

2022/8-Present Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung-Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.

  • 2022/8--Present Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung-Cheng University
  • 2010/8 - 2022/7 Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Cheng University
  • 2012/8 - 2015/7 Chairman, Department of Life Science, National Chung Cheng University.
  • 2004/8 - 2010/7 Assistant Professor, Department of Life Science, National Chung Cheng University
  • 2000/7 - 2004/8 Post-Doctoral fellow, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

The role of alternative splicing in carcinogenesis.

Cancer-specific alternative splicing of key cellular regulators has been suggested to play a pivotal role in development of cancers. Furthermore, it has been shown that ASF, a splicing factor, can function as an proto-oncogene to push a fibroblast becoming tumorigenic in the mouse model. However, this hypothesis has not been demonstrated for transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). The prevalence rate of TCC is exceptionally high in the southwestern region of Taiwan, including Chia-Yi. The studies carried out in our laboratory had identified several splicing factors upregulated in transitional cell carcinoma. Currently, we are examining the molecular mechanism how these splicing factors modulate splice site selection during pre-mRNA splicing.

The mechanism of protein nuclear import

Our published data has shown that a nuclear localization signal (NLS) is present in the polo box domain of Plk1. This NLS potentially represents a novel transportin-dependent NLS sequence. We are actively investigating the recognition mechanism of this novel NLS by transportin and its importance in the intracellular distribution of Plk1 in a cell-cycle dependent manner.

The role of ER stress in ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a disabling autoimmune disease. The patients suffer from inflammation of joints. Without treatment, the joints, particularly the hip and spinal bone will fuse, greatly restricting the movements of the patients. Specific alleles of human major histocompatibility complex I (HLA), specifically HLA-B2704 in Taiwan, has been associated with predisposition for AS. It has been shown that HLA-B2704 tends to misfold in ER and forms covalently bound homo-dimer, leading to induction of the ER stress response. We are currently initiating preliminary study to investigate the effect of upregulation of HLA-B2704 to cellular vesicular traffic.

  • NSC94-2311-B-194-002 細胞核結構蛋白Pnn對mRNA生成的功用性研究 Functional investigation of the nuclear matrix protein Pnn in mRNA biogenesis
  • NSC95-2311-B-194-003 廣泛確認Plk1相互作用蛋白質及其相互作用的生物功能 Comprehensive identification of the Plk1 interacting proteins and biological significance of their interactions
  • NSC96-2311-B-194-001 Polo-Like Kinase 1 細胞功能的新發現及其研究 Discovery and study on novel cellular functions of Polo-like kinase
  • NSC98-2311-B-194-003-MY3(2009-2012) snRPN及SOX2在過渡細胞癌之異常訊息RNA剪接所伴演角色之研究 Investigating the role of snRPN and SOX2 in aberrant mRNA splicing of transitional cell carcinoma
  1. Hsu I. W., M. Hsu,C. Li, T. W. Chuang, R. I. Lin, and W. Y. Tarn. 2005. Phosphorylation of Y14 modulates its interaction with proteins involved in mRNA metabolism and influences its methylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280:34507-12. (SCI=5.520)
  2. C. Li, H. Wang, S. R. Shih, T. C. Chen, and M. L. Li. 2007. The efficacy of viral capsid inhibitors in human enterovirus infection and associated diseases. Current Medicinal Chemistry 14:847-56. (SCI=4.823)
  3. Wang, W. S., M. S. Lee, C. E. Tseng, I. H. Liao, S. P. Huang, R. I. Lin, and C. Li. 2009. Interaction between human papillomavirus type 5 E2 and polo-Like kinase 1. Journal of Medical Virology 81:536-44. (SCI=2.576)
  4. Lee, M. S., Y. H. Huang, S. P. Huang, R. I. Lin, S. F. Wu, and C. Li. 2009. Identification of a nuclear localization signal in the polo box domain of Plk1. Biochimica et biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research 1793:1571-78. (SCI=4.893)
  5. Lai, N. S., T. F. Wang, S. L. Wang, C. Y. Chen, J. Y. Yen, H. L. Huang, C. Li, K. Y. Huang, S. Q. Liu, T. H. Lin, and H. B. Huang. 2009. Phostensin caps to the pointed end of actin filaments and modulates actin dynamics. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 387:676-81 (SCI=2.643)
  6. Chen. C. H., N. S. Lai, J. J. Yang, H. L. Huang, W. C. Hung, C. Li, T. H. Lin, and H. B. Huang. 2010. FLJ23654 encodes a heart protein phosphatase 1-binding protein (Hepp1). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 391:698-702 (SCI=2.643).
  7. Tung, C. L., P. H. Hou, Y. L. Kao, Y. W. Huang, C. C. Shen, Y. H. Cheng, S. F. Wu, M. S. Lee, and C. Li. 2010. SOX2 modulates alternative splicing in transitional cell carcinoma. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 393:420-425 (SCI=2.643).
  8. Lin, C. T., M. T. Yu, C. Li, Y. C. Ho, C. H. Shen, D. W. Liu, D. C. Chang, and S.F. Wu. 2010. Dysfunction of natural killer cells in patients with transitional cell carcinoma. Cancer Letters 291:39-45 (SCI=3.504).