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Shu-Huei Hsiao


Contact information

 Tel: (05)2720411 ext. Office 53202 Lab 53203

 Fax: (05)2722871

 Email: bioshh@ccu.edu.tw

Academic qualification
  • Ph.D. Department of Medical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.
  • M.S. Department of Biochemistry, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • B.S. Department of Pharmacy, KaoHsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Current position

Associate Professor, Department of Life Science, National Chung Cheng University

Working experience
  • 2011/8 - present Associate Professor, Department of Life Science & Institute of Molecular Biology, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
  • 2003/7 - 2011/7 Assistant Professor, Department of Life Science & Institute of Molecular Biology, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
  • 1998 - 2003 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Medical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, College Station, Texas, USA.
Research Expertise

Neuroscience, Epigenetics, Cancer, Development, Pharmacology

  • 2008 AACR-Ito En Scholar-in-Training Award
  • 2008 國家新創獎 6th National Innovation Award
  1. Leu YW, Huang TH, Hsiao SH. (2013) Epigenetic reprogramming of mesenchymal stem cells.  Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.  754:195-211.
  2. Chen YL, Ko CJ, Lin PY, Chuang WL, Hsu CC, Chu PY, Pai MY, Chang CC, Kuo MH, Chu YR, Tung CH, Huang TH, Leu YW, Hsiao SH. (2012) Clustered DNA methylation changes in polycomb target genes in early-stage liver cancer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.  Aug  24;425(2):290-6.
  3. Lee KD, Pai MY, Hsu CC, Chen CC, Chen YL, Chu PY, Lee CH, Chen LT, Chang JY, Huang TH, Hsiao SH,  Leu YW. (2012) Targeted Casp8AP2 methylation increases drugresistance in mesenchymal stem cells and cancer cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.  Jun  15;422(4):578-85.
  4. Teng IW, Hou PC, Lee KD, Chu PY, Yeh KT, Jin VX, Tseng MJ, Tsai SJ, Chang YS, Wu CS, Sun HS, Tsai KD, Jeng LB, Nephew KP, Huang TH, Hsiao SH,  Leu YW. (2011) Targeted methylation of two tumor suppressor genes is sufficient to transform mesenchymal stem cells into cancer stem/initiating cells. Cancer Research.  Jul  1;71(13):4653-63.
  5. Hsu CC, Leu YW, Tseng MJ, Lee KD, Kuo TY, Yen JY, Lai YL, Hung YC, Sun WS, Chen CM, Chu PY, Yeh KT, Yan PS, Sun HS, Chang YS, Tsai SJ, Huang THM, Hsiao SH. (2011) Functional characterization of Trip10 in cancer cell growth and survival.  Journal of Biomedical Science.  18:12.
  6. Lin YS, Shaw AY, Wang SG, CC, Teng IW, Tseng MJ, Huang THM, Chen CS, Leu YW, Hsiao SH. (2011) Identification of Novel DNA Methylation Inhibitors via a Two-Component Reporter Gene System.  Journal of Biomedical Science.  18:3.
  7. Hsu CC, Li HP, Hung YH, Leu YW, Wu WH, Wang FS, Lee KD, Chang PJ, Wu CS, Lu YJ, Huang TH, Chang YS, Hsiao SH. (2010) Targeted methylation of CMV and E1A viral promoters.  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,  402(2): 228-234.
  8. Hsiao SH,  Lee KD, Hsu CC, Tseng MJ, Jin VX, Sun WS, Hung YC, Yeh KT, Yan PS, Lai YY, Sun HS, Lu YJ, Chang YS, Tsai SJ, Huang TH, Leu YW. (2010) DNA methylation of the Trip10 promoter accelerates mesenchymal stem cell lineage determination.  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,  400(3): 305-312.
  9. Chou JL, Su HY, Chen LY, Liao YP, Hartman-Frey C, Lai YH, Yang HW, Deatherage DE, Kuo CT, Huang YW, Yan PS, Hsiao SH,  Tai CK, Lin HJ, Davuluri RV, Chao TK, Nephew KP, Huang TH, Lai HC, Chan MW. (2010) Promoter hypermethylation of FBXO32, a novel TGF-b/SMAD4 target gene and tumor suppressor, is associated with poor prognosis in human ovarian cancer.  Laboratory Investigation,  90: 412-425.
  10. Hsiao SH,  Huang THM, Leu YW. (2009) Excavating relics of DNA methylation changes during the development of neoplasia.  Seminars in Cancer Biology,  19(3): 198-208.
  11. Huang LZ, Hsiao SH,  Trzeciakowski J, Frye GD, Winzer-Serhan UH. (2006) Chronic nicotine induces growth retardation in neonatal rat pups.  Life Sciences,  78(13): 1483-93.
  12. Hsiao SH,  DuBois DW, Miranda RC, Frye GD (2004) Critically timed ethanol exposure reduces GABA A R function on septal neurons developing in vivo but not in vitro.  Brain Res.  1008 :69-80.
  13. Hsiao SH,  and Frye GD. (2003) AMPA receptors on developing medial septum/diagonal band neurons are sensitive to early postnatal binge-like ethanol exposure.  Dev. Brain Res.   142: 89-99.
  14. Hsiao SH,  Parrish AR, Nahm SS, Abbott LC, McCool BA and Frye GD. (2002) Effects of early postnatal ethanol intubation on GABAergic synaptic proteins.  Dev. Brain Res.  138: 177-185.
  15. Hsiao SH,  Acevedo JL, DuBois DW, Smith KR, West JR and Frye GD. (2001) Early postnatal ethanol intubation blunts GABAA receptor up-regulation and modifies 3a-hydroxy-5a-pregnan-20-one sensitivity in rat MS/DB neurons.  Dev. Brain Res.  130: 25-40.
  16. Hsiao SH,  West JR, Mahoney JC and Frye GD. (1999) Development of GABAA receptors in postnatal ethanol exposed cerebellar Purkinje neurons.  Brain Res.  832: 124-135.
  17. Hsiao SH,  Mahoney JC, West JR and Frye GD. (1998) Development of GABAA receptors on medial septum/diagonal band (MS/DB) neurons after postnatal ethanol exposure.  Brain Res.  810: 100-113
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